
The Power of Warranty Protection

Building a new home is a big deal. You're making a serious investment, and as a smart homebuyer, you want rock-solid confidence that your new place won't let you down. A new home warranty can be a life-saver if a problem occurs. Think about it - without a warranty backup, a Major Structural Defect can totally drain you emergency fund, eat up your precious time, and conceivably end up in litigation. But here's the good news, if your builder chose to partner with RWC, you can take a deep breath. This is your assurance that your home was built by a quality professional and that your home will be protected, making your homeownership journey a whole lot smoother.

Confirm that your warranty was validated and download your warranty book & documents.

Please be advised that in some cases it may take 60 days for processing before the warranty is available online.
Confirm My Warranty

Having an issue with your home? Fill out this form to start the claims process.

Submit A Warranty Claim

For all other questions about your warranty, please submit an information request.



The specific procedures to address a potential defect in your home are spelled out in your warranty book. The warranty company will need to receive written documentation from you as outlined in the Requesting Warranty Performance section of the warranty book that pertains to your home. Notice can be sent by mail to the Administrator’s address or by email to warranty.resolution@rwcwarranty.com. For convenience, you may also use our online form. We do not accept telephone or fax requests at this time. You will need to provide:

  • Validation Number and Effective Date of Warranty;
  • Your Builder’s name and address;
  • Your name, address, email address,and telephone number;
  • A reasonably specific description of the Defect(s) (including the date on which the defect was discovered);
  • A copy of any written notice to your Builder;
  • Photographs, if they would be helpful in describing the Defect; and A copy of each and every report you have obtained from any inspector or engineer.
Contact us with the correct information.
Yes. The Limited Warranty automatically transfers to subsequent buyers throughout the warranty term. There are no fees to pay or forms to complete. Please note that in the case of a foreclosure, the warranty may be voided.
We have over 75 different warranty options. So the answer to this question depends on which warranty was issued for your home. Coverage varies depending on the program selected by your Builder and the state in which your home is located. Refer to the warranty book you received at closing for exact coverage and warranty terms.
Did you close on your home prior to November 1st, 2014? Contact our Enrollments Dept. to verify coverage or request duplicate copies. Please note that there is a charge associated with duplicate warranty books. There are several ways to reach us: Call 717-561-4480, complete our Enrollment Information Request online or email us at enrollments@rwcwarranty.com.

If you are the original homeowner and your home closed after November 1, 2014 , you may obtain your home warranty documents online here: Confirm Your Warranty. Here, you can download PDFs of your warranty book & documents. Please be advised that, in some cases, it may take 60 days for processing before the warranty is available online.

Mediation. We know that, in the majority of cases, the root of many disputes is the lack of communication between a Builder and a Homeowner. Sometimes, all it takes to get an issue resolved is someone to take on the role of mediator and assist the others in coming to a fair and reasonable agreement, based on the warranty standards provided. Prior to heading to formal arbitration or costly litigation, RWC does its best to mediate disputes between Members and Homeowners. Mediation is an informal process involving the Builder, the Homeowner and the Warranty Company during the Builder’s term of responsibility. There is no charge to either side to this initial process. 

Arbitration. If resolution is not reached during mediation, the next step is arbitration, a formal process conducted by an independent, neutral arbitrator to resolve disputes. We use arbitrators experienced in arbitrating residential construction matters. Unless prohibited by law, the decision of the arbitrator under our programs is binding on all parties, including both you and your Builder. There is a fee for the arbitration which is paid according to the terms spelled out in your warranty document.

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