For most people, building a new home is the biggest investment in their lives. Because it's such a big decision, prospective home buyers want to be sure they get it right. Before you start picking paint colors and looking at carpet samples, you need to select the right home builder for your needs and situation. RWC knows a thing or two about builders since we've been dealing with them for 40 years and have administered warranties on over 4 millions homes.

Get a construction mortgage preapproval by a mortgage lender before you begin this process. It confirms your budget and your financial credibility to builders and realtors.
Get a construction mortgage preapproval by a mortgage lender before you begin this process. It confirms your budget and your financial credibility to builders and realtors.

Determine what type of home you want and need. Most builders "specialize" to some degree and may build in a certain price range or type of home.
Determine what type of home you want and need. Most builders "specialize" to some degree and may build in a certain price range or type of home.

You want to compare builders and what they can offer so be as clear as you can with what you want from them. If you really want a feature such as hardwood floors but neglect to mention that, your prospective builder won't be able to provide you with the information you need.
You want to compare builders and what they can offer so be as clear as you can with what you want from them. If you really want a feature such as hardwood floors but neglect to mention that, your prospective builder won't be able to provide you with the information you need.

How long has the company been in business? It's important to choose a builder who's a seasoned professional. Don't be afraid to ask questions about what they've done in the past.
How long has the company been in business? It's important to choose a builder who's a seasoned professional. Don't be afraid to ask questions about what they've done in the past.

It's important to consider the experience and opinions of previous customers. Are they satisfied with their home? Would they build another home with the builder? How is the builder's service? How are they at communicating? If there is an issue with the home, does the builder respond in a reasonable time frame?
It's important to consider the experience and opinions of previous customers. Are they satisfied with their home? Would they build another home with the builder? How is the builder's service? How are they at communicating? If there is an issue with the home, does the builder respond in a reasonable time frame?

If your state has laws or regulations concerning builder licensing, be sure the builder you select has the proper licensing as required. Also ask for verification that they have the appropriate insurance to cover their company, employees, and you, in the event of loss or accident.
If your state has laws or regulations concerning builder licensing, be sure the builder you select has the proper licensing as required. Also ask for verification that they have the appropriate insurance to cover their company, employees, and you, in the event of loss or accident.

Every product you buy comes with some type of warranty. Certainly your largest investment, your home, should come with a long-term written & insured 3rd party warranty, not just a promise from the builder to perform. This type of warranty assures you that if there is a warranted problem, even if the builder is out of business, it will be resolved through repair or settlement. If your builder says he offers a "one year builder warranty", it's time to ask RWC written & insured warranty instead.
Every product you buy comes with some type of warranty. Certainly your largest investment, your home, should come with a long-term written & insured 3rd party warranty, not just a promise from the builder to perform. This type of warranty assures you that if there is a warranted problem, even if the builder is out of business, it will be resolved through repair or settlement. If your builder says he offers a "one year builder warranty", it's time to ask RWC written & insured warranty instead.

After you've gone through the above steps and have made a list of who have met these criteria, visit their model homes and if possible, homes they have under construction. Pay close attention to the quality of the workmanship and materials used in their homes. Are the products quality brands? Are the floor plans suitable for your lifestyle? Does the builder pay close attention to detail? Are the employees and/or subcontractors professional and knowledgable?
After you've gone through the above steps and have made a list of who have met these criteria, visit their model homes and if possible, homes they have under construction. Pay close attention to the quality of the workmanship and materials used in their homes. Are the products quality brands? Are the floor plans suitable for your lifestyle? Does the builder pay close attention to detail? Are the employees and/or subcontractors professional and knowledgable?

Lenders, Real Estate Agents, Building Material Suppliers, Builders Associations, and Code Inspectors can all provide unique yet helpful perspectives on builders in the area. Ask them who they believe are the top builders locally and why.
Lenders, Real Estate Agents, Building Material Suppliers, Builders Associations, and Code Inspectors can all provide unique yet helpful perspectives on builders in the area. Ask them who they believe are the top builders locally and why.

This is a major life decision and once you gather all your information, take your time and consider which Builder will really be the best fit for you. You'll be living with that decision for years to come, so give yourself time to ponder and evaluate.
This is a major life decision and once you gather all your information, take your time and consider which Builder will really be the best fit for you. You'll be living with that decision for years to come, so give yourself time to ponder and evaluate.